Thursday, October 25, 2007

Sharing the Wealth of Giving

Google contributes a great deal to the efforts undertaken by this weblog. Obviously the blog is Google based as is the to Innovation, Insight, Integrity Reader and the Paradigm Pathway Notebooks. provides a good deal of infrastructure to this site and its searches are powered by Google.

More importantly all this is free (yes they do have language stating that they can use my documents in Google Documents but there is either nothing that anybody would want or nothing that I would not willing provide).

This is still an individual effort but the potential for non-profits, for non-governmental agencies (a term which is both unimaginative and limiting) and for other change agents is tremendous. In a supposedly Web 2.0 world moving to Web 3.0 and even 4.0 this seems old hat. Yet I am convinced that there are numerous organizations out there that are still using e-mail like letters or at best telephones and use websites as nothing more than interactive posters.

There are a tremendous amount to be learned from organizations such as TED and MIT ,but I have to wonder to what extent this have been integrated throughout the hundreds of social change organizations that have been arising in the last decade.

The latest from Google offers yet another tool for invoking beneficial Paradigm Shifts.

YouTube and Checkout for the non-profit world

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