There are some thank yous that are due from this weblog for varying degrees of recognition by other bloggers or web 2.0 residents.
Social Citizen, written by Tera Wozniak of the great city of Grand Rapids, Michigan recognized me as
- A new social entrepreneurship blogger - Social Entrepreneurship a New Path for Many
Even more gratifying was being put in with some pretty respectable company. It is a definite intention of this weblog to continue down that path. The only hesitation is that social-entrepreneurship is not the only focus and I am likely getting more credit than I deserve. I do though, for myself, see all of what I am exploring tying together giving both rationale and optimism for action as change agents.
USpace left a kindly worded comment on the same post.
Another blogger, Senior Solutions included me in their blogroll. Written by Lee Balinas, his blog's "about me" tells us:
I have 30+ years in the caring profession. I have been a counselor, minister, insurance salesman, investment adviser and now radio talk show host. I have a weekly show called Lee's Senior Solutions. This show will examine and discuss ALL areas of our lives that will be affected by the AGE WAVE.
Though being recognized by a blog titled Senior Solutions could put a wrench in my attempts to masquerade as a Generation Jones with Generation X tendencies, covering up my Baby Boomer roots. I am likely going to have to resolve to learn CSS or something.
Mah Saito of the Diigo Community at Diigo HQ bookmarked by post My Pathways to New Paradigms: learning more about diigo. Now they may in fact bookmark everything anybody writes about Diigo, but the recognition is still appreciated. More important, it points to a great deal more to learn.
People are still visiting LaDosisDiaria to see here comes another bubble. The latest one being yesterday, keeping my 15 seconds of international fame alive awhile longer. I received a number of hits from Hispanic countries due to being linked to the site. One of the greatest pleasures of this weblog was seeing the international reach. Quoting myself from a past post:
It is as if one threw a message in a bottle into the cyber-sea and received answers from all over the world. The level of connection on the web is truly amazing.