One of those subjects that doesn't seem to fit the focus of Milestones For A New Millennium is the role of architecture in creating communities. With so many problems facing the world and efforts to house millions in need of shelter does architecture make any sense any more? Should architecture simply be a matter of pragmatic technology or is there still a place for the art of architecture? Can architecture as art be made sustainable?
Frank Gehry asks the question in this TED talk, Nice building. Then what? Ironically, he mentions, mostly in passing, the MIT Stata building as a future example of ideal architecture. He uses the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao as the testing ground to ensure that the Stata doesn't leak.
Of course, it did leak and MIT sued. Seems Gehry is allegedly famous/infamous for leaky buildings. The TED video has a view good lines by Frank Loyd Wright on leaks. John Maeda also references the quote in his defense of form being more important than function or at least being more forgivable. Others were less willing to take the more idealistic perspective.
These ideas are further touched upon in this two part look at Frank Gehry's Stata building at MIT by MIT World » : The University as Patron of Cutting Edge Architecture.
Part 1 of a 2 part series that discusses Frank Gerhy's Stata building at MIT.Part 2 of a 2 part series that discusses Frank Gerhy's Stata building at MIT
These two videos occur after the TED talk but before the lawsuit. There is much more available on the web. This is just a current example of artistic vision wrestling with pragmatic necessity. Clicking on the various labels provided below will take you to other perspectives on architecture, cities and community-planning put forth by this blog.