Thursday, October 25, 2007

Breaking Further into Blogging

Lately, I have been delving more into the blogging scene and learning about some of the other programs and tricks of the trade out there. There is still the question as to what precisely this particular webblog is supposed to be. It is not a blog in the usual sense. Its true intention is for a limited audience who won't be around for another year or so. First by someone, who by the beneficence of serendipity, finds here a gateway to something they judge as being useful in their lives. Second, myself who will have hopefully created a base of knowledge that can be used to insure that some sense of meaning and ability to create some benefit in the world remains in his life. So learning is the main focus. Still current life craves some creative output and this endeavor can serve a double purpose.

A post in Small Business Trends made me feel better about my own efforts. Anita Campbell started her blog in 2003 and didn't make her first 100 RSS subscribers until about a year later in 2004. Now she is at 86,000 plus. The point is that she was trying hard to get readers. More important she had created something that was of value to other people. She also tells how she moved from being a novice to a professional blogger. See Question: How long have you been writing this site. There is value here, but I am merely repackaging source value and perhaps making some interesting combinations like a fusion restaurant. I am still learning how to cook.

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