Sunday, December 9, 2007

Finding The Style For A Sucessful Career (Or Two)

Successful Career Entrepreneur Style via The Entrepreneurial Mind on 11/30/07, again stresses, as from from a previous post, what Professor Cornwall calls, "the importance of engineering personal goals and aspirations into entrepreneurs' business models. This includes both financial goals (income and wealth) and personal non-financial goals."

He provides an example of an entrepreneur featured in at Career Journal who found the balance she was seeking between work and family, be it either just starting or empty-nest.

"In a culture obsessed with profit and growth, how do you curb the growth of a successful start-up to preserve time with your spouse and new baby?"

"For Brenda Thompson, who started the business of her dreams only months before having her first baby, the answer is to ignore the siren song of expansion and keep the business small. Her story shows how taking the long view can pay off."

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